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Mundine reigns in showdown with Green
May 17, 2006
© 2006 AAP

Anthony Mundine delivered an emphatic answer to his own question with a unanimous points decision over Danny Green in their savage world title eliminator.

"Who's the man, who's the man?" he asked the crowd after outpointing Green in the most anticipated fight in Australia in decades.

Whenever Green threw the questions at Mundine with his power and toughness, the former rugby league player responded with a series of stinging combinations to set up an expected match against WBA super-middleweight world champion Mikkel Kessler.

In the last of a ferocious 12 rounds at Aussie Stadium, Mundine rocked Green with a combination to the head and taunted the Perth fighter to "Come on."

As he did all fight, Green came back at Mundine but in the end nodded to his opponent at the final bell in acknowledgement to his conqueror.

"I just want to thank Danny for a great fight," Mundine said.

"He put up a good performance, he came ready, he came prepared.

"I was the better man tonight Dan, thank you very much."

Mundine said he was ready to take on Denmark's Kessler who beat him in their world title fight in June last year.

"It was a close fight last time, he's a great fighter," Mundine said.

"I think he's the best out there at the moment, but I showed last time I can match it with him.

"I've improved a lot since then."

He showed that improvement tonight, handling Green's power and bouncing back after being hit with the some crunching blows to both body and head.

"I was starting to get loose man, Danny was starting to put a lot of pressure on me, he's got a good long jab, I had to evade that," he said.

"I utilised my speed to catch him and it paid dividends.

"I was looking for the knockout, I caught him with a few great shots, he can take a great punch."

The fight had six years of hype and antagonism to live up to and was personal from the outset with Mundine's mother Lyn yelling at her son from ringside to "Knock him out Choc, shut him up my baby".

All those years of built-up animosity and spite came thrashing out in the ferocious opening rounds and continued throughout.

The fight opened with a little wrestle and a nose-to-nose eyeballing as the fierce rivals came face to face for the first time in their lives.

And they both showed they wanted to make up for lost time, Green punishing Mundine's body and Mundine using the speed of his jab, slicing one through on the bell to end the first round.

The pace remained hectic in the first four rounds, with Mundine standing tall and using his jab while Green mixed his power punches.

A small cut opened up below Green's right eye and he was bleeding from the nose in the fourth round as the tempo slowed, but only marginally.

As the fight wore on, Mundine, 30, looked in greater control and in better condition.

Green, 33, threw everything into his power body punches which were often swiftly answered by Mundine But whenever he looked hurt, Green responded, splitting Mundine's lip in the 11th, but he had thrown everything into the fight and could not land the knock out blow which was the only way he could have won the fight in the latter rounds.

Judge Pinit Prayadsab from Thailand gave the fight to Mundine 118-11, Korean Michael Lee scored it 116-113 and Australian Derek Milham had it 118-112.

"Anthony Mundine, a lot has been said in the past, he just fought a better fight tonight, he just beat me fair and square," Green said.

"I have no excuses at all, I trained unbelievable, my preparation was great.

"I have no excuses other than that Anthony was the better man tonight, he showed great skill and great speed.

"He's hard to tag and to be honest it was a very difficult fight."

Mundine took his record to 26-3 but revealed he had been sick earlier this month and missed five days of training.

He suggested a rematch with Green could be on the cards.

"We can do it again maybe, soon," he said.

And the appreciative crowd including corporate leaders, former world heavyweight champion Joe Frazier, bikie gangs, peroxide blondes and rugby league players would happily come back for more.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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I enjoy watching boxing, I dunno how much I 'follow' it, but if its on I'll watch it. Been addicted to The Contender from series one, and just waiting now to watch it. Good to see an Aussie in there with Soloman, and Bika who fights out of Australia now. Unfortunately they're paired up with each other next week so the chances an Aussie fighter will win are reduced, but at least one will be in the final I spose.


Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
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Rocky Katsidis is our only true world champion atm.

Chocs got the WBA supermidldle weight title, but i would hardly call it worthy of champion seeing as Kessler was made vacate it when he became super champ. Either way you look at it Calzaghe has the lot now he beat Kessler.

Billy Dib is also looking pretty good for a title in 08.

As for the contender. Good concept for a show, i just dont like the edited fights. Still watch it religously though! Sakio's got this one in the bag for mine. He beat Sammy hands down in 02 but got robbed on a split decision.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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As for the contender. Good concept for a show, i just dont like the edited fights. Still watch it religously though! Sakio's got this one in the bag for mine. He beat Sammy hands down in 02 but got robbed on a split decision.

The chopped fights and 'Hollywood' edits on a clean head shot ***** me up the wall no end too, but like you I still watch it without fail.

I'm pretty confident Sakio will win too. Big, strong, fast, the man looks the definition of peak fitness. And I've got no idea what to make of Soloman's fighting style, looks like a ****ed up tribal dance.

I reckon Sakio v Jaidon in the final will be a great fight.

floorless? as in he didn't touch the floor?

Float like a butterfly they reckon


Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
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Apparently in the usa they were up in arms at the bull**** editing of the fights on Contender. So ESPN3 showed all the fights in their entirety after the show was finished.

Yeah man Sakio v Jaidon for the final with Sakio winning by an early ko me reckons. Jaidon can box, and obviously can whack as well, but no ones seen the real Sakio yet. Sakio's been relativley quiet so far, in rl he's a brawler who gave Calzaghe the fight of his life last year.

Anyone keen for Mayweather vs Hatton?


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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Apparently in the usa they were up in arms at the bull**** editing of the fights on Contender. So ESPN3 showed all the fights in their entirety after the show was finished.

Yeah man Sakio v Jaidon for the final with Sakio winning by an early ko me reckons. Jaidon can box, and obviously can whack as well, but no ones seen the real Sakio yet. Sakio's been relativley quiet so far, in rl he's a brawler who gave Calzaghe the fight of his life last year.

Anyone keen for Mayweather vs Hatton?

Yeah, Sakio looks like a monster. I'd love to see him unleash, probably next Monday on Sammy.

Mayweather v Hatton is soon isn't it?


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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Okay, give it to me; who won The Contender? I missed the final ep.

Sad, sad story. 3rd day of a new job, not used to being up at midday, let alone 6:30AM, and as hard as I tried, I konked out at 8:30PM last Monday.

Without any idea of who won, I'm gonna reckon Jaidon beat Sakio in a split decision.


Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
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Sakio won via ko 8th. I had Sakio up 6 rounds to 1. Both fighters went down in the first round, Sakio just too strong for him from then on. Great final fight. Both stood toe to toe and slugged it out basically. Reckon Jaidon would have beaten him if he had of boxed the whole fight

Mayweather v Hatton is this weekend for those interested


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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Sakio won via ko 8th. I had Sakio up 6 rounds to 1. Both fighters went down in the first round, Sakio just too strong for him from then on. Great final fight. Both stood toe to toe and slugged it out basically. Reckon Jaidon would have beaten him if he had of boxed the whole fight

Mayweather v Hatton is this weekend for those interested

Bugger. Twice as pissed I missed it now, sounds like a ripper. Saiko got him into a slug-fest huh? Sakio was always gonna win then.


Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
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Yeah he's knocked off Carlos Baldomir, a couple of no names and his last fight a few months ago he destroyed Juan Castilljo in 4. Castilljo took Mayweather the distance twice in 2002(?) and lost a close decision both times.

My tip is Hatton late ko or UD easy. Too big too strong for PBF


Aug 23, 2006
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Auckland NZ
Only saw highlights of the fight, and see that Mayweather stopped Hatton in the tenth - anyone see the fight in its entirety?


Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
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Yeah i did, well barring the two rounds foxtel shat itself 7-8th. Was a lot closer than people are saying. Read a report today in the Daily Tele saying PBF owned Hatton. Not so. Sure he got KTFO, but still was a great fight to watch.


Great White
Apr 17, 2006
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norfolk island
Yeah i did, well barring the two rounds foxtel shat itself 7-8th. Was a lot closer than people are saying. Read a report today in the Daily Tele saying PBF owned Hatton. Not so. Sure he got KTFO, but still was a great fight to watch.

i only saw highlights and you could be forgiven for thinking that hatton got totally towelled.he did get to the tenth round so he must've had some go in him.


Bronze Whaler
Dec 11, 2007
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that guy that mundine the wanker is fighting tonight..mundine the going to kill him

I had a chance to go and watch that but decided against going. Apparently it wasn't worth the time so I found out.